If you drink you are 'Waste'.... if you dont drink you are 'Wasting' your life...
Select the 'Waste' path you want to take
'Fuckoff' is not something used very frequently... But frequently used on certain days ! -Rakm0
2 days... 2 cities...2 marriages...2 best friends 'lost' !
Business relationship is ironical.... business ends... relationships dont !
Couples in love are called "love birds" .... Couples in fight are called "Angry birds"
- An update on FB
Rakm0 adds - Couples in marriage are called "Lovely Angry Birds"
FB Please note, though I am single does not mean you will display advts like "Looking for a girlfriend? Find a girlfriend in India". Be FB, dont become a pimp !
Petrol - 73, Dal - 65,
Sachin - 99
Who will reach 100 first ?
This is commonly asked question on FB now. My answer - My weight ;)
A girl will never ping you on gtalk unless she has some work...
"Being online....Is not a symbol of being connected !
Its a symbol of being disconnected !!"
I dont give bullshit.... but I take bullshit..
In this world of biogas.... even shit sells :)
Life is like a market of mobile phones....you will always find better model....
Ek gayi toh dusri aayegi :D
Glass like relationship are bound to fail... Glass only seems transparent...
"Wife redefines life" -> "Give n take" = "Either you give or she takes"......
(Based on experience of others)
Life is much bigger than you think... So dont try to overplan :P
Google can find anything...but woman's intelligence :P
For all singles: The real fun is the process of finding ur true love.... and not true love itself... So u are having real fun
(Not based on any personal experience.Inspired by an age old adage)
Guest lecturers at B-schools are really 'guest'... They go happy leaving host unhappy... And are still invited next year....
You need not know English to use TOIlet paper....(coz photos dont have to be read)
Also, TOI defies incremental calculation.... All pages are "Page3"....
Delhi's weather defies normal curve.... Extremes have higher probability than mean....
Difference between 'aam janta' & MBAs:
When they see me, following is their reaction
Aam janta - Man, you are overweight
MBA - Dude, considering all the parameters, we would like to conclude that you are overweight or 'underheight'..... We recommend primary/secondary research before arriving at a conclusion... :P
To err is man.. To point it out & embarrass him is woman...
To err is man.. To cover it up is woman...
(Inspired from 'To err is human')
.... to be continued.....